피펫 리크 테스터 Pipetter Leak Testing Unit, PLT Unit

■ 1 ul ~ 10 ml 까지의 Single 또는 Multichannel Pipet의 Leak Testing용
(Air-displacement Pipettes)
■ 피펫 내부 Piston Seal 또는 Tip Cone의 Damage를 점검 할 수 있음
■ Regular Gravimetic Calibration 사이의 Safeguard로서 Daily Pipette Check용
■ Brand만의 특허 기술로 얻을 수 있는 결과를 보여줌
■ Testing With and Without Tips
■ Test Result in Seconds
■ 구성 : 1 Channel Pipet Adapter (With Tip Mounted, without Tip 각 1개),
2 Plugs, 3 PE Filter for Pipet Adapters, AC Adapter,
Quality Certificate Manual
Leak Rate and Their Detection
The leak rate is a measure of the quantity of material that flows through a leak
per time unit. For air-displacement pipettes the PLT unit determines the rate
through a differential pressure measurement, i.e., after creating a negative
pressure, the pressure rise over a given time is measured.
Complex Determinations
The leak rate is determined by considering complex physical relationships.
Calculation of the limit values resident in the PLT must include factors such as
the dead volume of the pipette/tip system, flow cross-setion of the pipette tip,
pressure rise per time unit, pipette volume and type, etc.
The pV Value
The pV value is the product of the pressure and the volume of a certain quantity of
a gas at the prevailing temperature. This is a measure of the quantity of material
or the mass of the gas.
The Leak Rate QL
The leak rate QL is the ratio of the pV value and the period of time during
which the gas flows through a path cross-section.
The volume loss
For the pipette test, hPa ml/s is a suitable unit for the leak rate. A leak rate of e.g.,
1 hPa ml/s at an air pressure of 1000 hPa means a volume loss of about 1 ul/s.
Cat. No | Model | Description |
P09-59-001 | 703970 | PLT Unit |
1-Channel Pipet Adapter
Cat. No | Model | Description |
P09-59-003 | 703975 | For Pipet with Tip① |
P09-59-005 | 703976 | For Pipet without Tip② |
4-Channel Pipet Adapter
Cat. No | Model | Description |
P09-59-009 | 703977 | For Multichannel Pipet③ |
- ● For Multichannel Pipette With and Without Tip
● 4 Plugs 포함
Filter for Pipette Adapter
Cat. No | Model | Description |
P09-59-012 | 703978 | PE Filter④ |
Universal AC Adapter
Cat. No | Model | Description |
P09-59-015 | 703979 | Universal AC Adapter⑤ |
- ● AC 100V ~ 240V, 50/60 Hz