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폴리스티렌 보정 필름 Polystyrene Calibration Films F11-87-708

품명 ■ Radially Symmetric Polystyrene Calibration Films & Calibration FilmsCast On KBr Windows (미국 특허 제 6,254,931 호 ) ■ Boron Doped KBr Calibration Windows (U.S. Patent No. 6,594,008) ■ PhEur 2.2.24 Calibration Standards ■ ICL (International Crystal Laboratoy)
판매가 127,094원
브랜드 비전랩사이언스
원산지 국산
4,000원 (100,000원 이상 무료배송)

총 금액/수량 : 127,094원

폴리스티렌 보정 필름 Polystyrene Calibration Films 


■ 주요특징 
■ Radially Symmetric Polystyrene Calibration Films & Calibration FilmsCast On KBr Windows
    (미국 특허 제 6,254,931 호 )
■ Boron Doped KBr Calibration Windows (U.S. Patent No. 6,594,008)
■ PhEur 2.2.24 Calibration Standards
■ ICL (International Crystal Laboratoy) 

In addition to standard polystyrene calibration films, ICL offers several other calibration options.
Superior calibrations are performed with radially symmetric films which eliminate the orientation effects of extruded films used for NIST Standard 1921 calibrations.

This makes the films consistent from film to film. Sold in pairs of two (2) different film thickness,
the differential between the absorbance intensities created by the two (2) film thickness becomes the baseline,
thereby making the pair of films suitable both as an ordinate calibration standard useful for detection of degradation in instrument performance and
for calibrating the abscissa scale in accordance with NIST Standard 1921.

Films are available in free standing pairs mounted on 2” x 4” cards that fit in the standard universal slide mount in all spectrophotometers or the films can be cast on KBr windows.
Films cast on KBr windows will not exhibit any interference fringes.
KBr windows with films are sold with a mount with a 2” x 3” backplate that fits the standard universal slide mount in all spectrophotometers.
The polystyrene coating prevents degradation of the KBr window from moisture effects. Boron doped crystal windows are also available as calibration standards.
These windows can be matched in pairs with comparable absorbances. PhEur 2.2.24 films are described in a separate section.

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-70800092500Polystyrene Test Film38 microns
F11-87-7110009818176 microns
Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-80100098182Pair Polystyrene Test Film (38 microns + 76 microns)
F11-87-70500098487Same as 0009-8182, but with PhEur 2.2.24 certified films

* 00098182

- With cerfication of tracebility to five(5) NIS 1921b frequencies

- The second film (76 microns) is provided without certification.

- Both films are mounted on 2" x 3" cardstock holder with a 19mm aperture for mounting in the universal slide holder in all instruments.

- Available with PhEur 2.2.24 certified polystyrene calibration film 

* 00098487

- With PhEur 2.2.24 certified film.

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-80600097676NIST traceable Polystyrene Test film

NIST traceable Polystyrene Test film, certificate of traceability to five (5) NIST 1921b frequencies, set of 2 films each mounted to 2” x 4” cardstock holder

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-80900097393Pair of polystyrene films

Pair of polystyrene films of different thickness, both with NIST traceability certification. Kit also includes a pair of standard polystyrene films, but without NIST traceability certification.

One NIST traceable film is mounted on 2" x 4" cardstock, which enables mounting in the standard universal slide mount found in all spectrophotometers, and is the same thickness as an NIST 1921 standard film (38 microns).

The second thinner NIST traceable film is cast on KBr and includes holder and mounting device.

Kit includes certification of traceability to five (5) NIST 1921b frequencies, radial symmetry certification for film cast on KBr and storage cases for all films.

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-81500097394Pair of polystyrene calibration films

Pair of polystyrene calibration films of different thickness cast on KBr, radial symmetry certification, summary of NIST standard 1921 with frequency locations, certification of traceability to five (5) NIST 1921b frequencies,

instructions for two (2) film ordinate calibration, slide mount holder.

Kit also includes a pair of standard polystyrene films, without NIST traceability certification, mounted on 2" x 4" cardstock which enables mounting in the standard universal slide mount found in all spectrophotometers. Storage case provided

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-81800099247Pair of 13mm x 2mm KBr windows

Pair of 13mm x 2mm KBr windows intended to fit FTIR microscope stage, coated with polystyrene and certified to five (5) NIST 1921b frequencies

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-82100097395Single Boron doped KBr Crystal

Single Boron doped KBr Crystal calibration standard with slide mount holder and storage case. (U.S. Patent No. 6,594,008)

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-82400097396Pair of matched Boron doped KBr windows

*U.S. Patent No. 6,594,008

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-82700098157Polystyrene calibration film
F11-87-83000098158same as 0009-8157 but with 2 certified films

* Polystyrene calibration film for PhEur 2.2.24 calibration of IR and FTIR instruments, certified to 7 wave-numbers and certified as to absorption minima and maxima differentials at 2870 cm-1 and 2849.5cm-1 and at 1589 cm-1 and 1583 cm-1

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-83300098559Polystyrene calibration film
F11-87-83600098558same as 0009-8559 but with 2 certified Films

* Polystyrene Calibration film for PhJap 2.25 calibration of IR and FTIR instruments, certified to 7 wave numbers, mounted on 2" x 4" card stock

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-83800098560Polystyrene calibration film

* Polystyrene calibration film, certificate of traceability to seven (7) NIST frequencies (wave numbers) and certified as to absorption minima and maxima differentials at 2870cm-1 and 2849.5cm-1 and 1589cm-1 and 1583cm-1 as required by PhEur 2.2.24

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-84100098448Polystyrene calibration film
F11-87-84300098437Pair of films same as 0009-8448

* Polystyrene calibration film, certificate of traceability to seven (7) NIST frequencies (wave numbers) and certified as to absorption minima and maxima differentials at 2870cm-1 and 2849.5cm-1 and 1589cm-1 and 1583cm-1 as required by PhEur 2.2.24 and also certified to PhJap 2.25

Cat. No.ModelDiscription
F11-87-84500099248Custom Cut Polystyrene film

* Custom Cut Polystyrene film cut to the size of any Horizontal ATR accessory (please specify, up to 4" square), certified to five (5) NIST 1921b frequencies

전화문의 032-861-0282

이메일 vls0711@hanmail.net


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