조도계 Light Meter - Luxmeter

■ 주요특징
■ Dual Display : Lux or Foot-candles
■ Percent Differential Display : From a Reference Point and Selected Light Source
■ Light Source : Daylight, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Mercury
■ RS-232 Output 기본 장착 (Contact to your PC for data acquistion, Optional)
■ Precise Photodiode and Color-Correction Filter
■ 최고, 최저, 평균값 표시 가능
■ 측정 값 Hold Button
■ 국내 소급가능한 Traceable® 성적서 제공 (ILAC)
■ Control Company
Cat. No. | Model | Lux 범위 | Fc 범위 |
L02-147-011 | 3252 | 0 ~ 50,000 lux | 0~5000 Fc |
A06-147-205 | 4136 | Data Acquisition System |
Cat. No. | L02-147-011 |
Model | 3252 |
Iux | Range | 1 to 1,999 Iux | 2,000 to 19,999 Iux | 20,000 to 50,000 Iux |
Resolution | 1 Iux | 10 Iux | 100 Iux |
Accuracy | 4.5% Full Scale |
Fc | Range | 0 to 199.9 Fc | 200 to 1999 Fc | 2000 to 5000 Fc |
Resolution | 0.1 Fc | 1 Fc | 10 Fc |
Accuracy | ±4.5% Full Scale |
Probe | Ø 51 mm Photocell, 2.5 M Cable |
Size | w77× d32× h178 mm |
Power | 9V Alkaline Battery |